TMT Bars and Twisted Bars
The structural framework of high-rise buildings is done by metal. It is used as an external surface covering element. Steel is the most common element used in structural building materials. It is very strong and can be treated to deliver long-lasting results. As corrosion is the main enemy of steel, alternative materials are used for other purposes.
Alloys used to Prepare Steel/ TMT Bars
Aluminum alloys are light in weight and they offer better corrosion resistance properties.There are many pre-fabricated structures which are used for this purpose. Expensive materials are used for specific purposes. They enhance the beauty of your home in a very efficient way.
How are TMT Barsย Manufactured..?
When work hardening and heat-treatment is integrated into a single process, it is called as thermo-mechanical process. If bars are treated in this process, they are called as TMT bars. The applications of TMT bars include rebar steel.
The process is intended to enhance the strength of low-carbon steel in an inexpensive way. The surface layer of the bar will be quenched. In this process, the deformation of crystal structure will take place and intermediate layers will be pressurized. At the same time, quenched layers will be tempered using the heat available from the core.
The outer surface of TMT bars will be very hard and the inner core will be very soft. As part of the manufacturing process, hot rolled steel wires will go through water as well. The weld-ability of the product improves and corrosion resistance will also improve in this process. As outer surface of the metal will be cooled at a much faster pace than the core of the metal, there will be great temperature gradient from the bar axis to the periphery. The residual stress in TMT bars will be lesser than HYSD (High Yield Strength Deformed) Bars. The corrosion resistance is also very high. The ductility of TMT bars is higher than similar strength grade of bars.
Difference Between TMT Bars and Twisted Bars..?
There is difference between twisted bars and TMT bars. Twisted bars refer to cold treated bars and TMT bars refer to hot treated bars. TMT bars will go through three stages of processing. They are quenching, self tempering and atmospheric cooling. As there will not be any twisting during the TMT process, no torsional stress takes place. Hence, there will not be any surface defects in TMT bars. TMT bars have martensite micro structure. Hence, the tensile strength will be higher than twisted bars.
Superior bend properties, better elongation, fire resistance, high fatigue resistance and good weldability & formability are some of the factors which make it an ideal choice in the construction industry. Hence, TMT products are used in the construction of bridges, dams, structures, high-rise buildings, concrete reinforcement and underground platforms.