Construction Articles
Controlling Reinforcement Activities in Construction Site

Controlling Reinforcement Activities in Construction Site
Nominate an experienced Site Engineer at site.
- Depute the assistants to assist him as per the quantum of work.
- Study the contract documents and technical specifications
- Find the provisions regarding mode of measurement in item rate contract.
- Check the items payable including reinforcement.
- Check whether laps, spacers and chairs are payable or inclusive.
- Arrange the required relevant codes,standards and other related documents at site for reference and study
- Study the tender drawings without fail.Calculate quantity as per the preliminary drawings, Dia wise and grade wise.
- Prepare the month wise procurement schedule as per the construction schedule.
- Prepare procurement schedule of binding along with reinforcement schedule.
- Plan for cover blocks and splices (if required) in advance to get required strength of cover blocks casted at site.
Obtain Dia wise and grade wise quantities from designer for lump sum contract if drawings were not available at initial stages of project for planning procurement.
- Allow an inventory of 45 days while planning procurement or depending upon the availability.
- Indent only 90% of quantities of total requirement till you have all approved drawings to avoid variations due to design/drawing revisions.
- Cover block – with grade in excess of 5N/mm2
- Locate the reinforcement yard at suitable location keeping logistics in view.
- Provide centralized reinforcement yard.
- Provide separate yard for storage and for cutting/bending.
- Provide separate yard for scrap storage.
- Fence all yards.Keep only one entry and exit with security in each yard.
- Plan the internal roads in the yard with proper drainage facility.
- Plan and Locate cutting and bending machine suitably.
- Maintain documents either in soft/hard from for entry and exit of vehicle with registration number of vehicles.
- Install electronic weigh bridge of required capacity inside the yard .
See More Minimum Reinforcement in Slabs and Beams
Indent for quarterly requirement 30 days in advance apart from total requirement in phase.
- Specify supply lengths Dia wisealong with quantity.
- Specify rolling margin and straight Length bars and avoid U-bars
- Insist for traceable manufacturers test certificate with each lot.Check the purchase order before releasing to the vendor with the indent raised at site to avoid miss match with indented quantity,type/size and other requirements.
- Before releasing of PO check the stock at site to avoid excess inventory of reinforcement at the site either in the from of cut/bend/protruding steel/usable scrap, etc.
- In metros check for availability of ready made cut and bent steel suppliers and amend the PO accordingly
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Receipt at site
- Inspect carefully for defects like excessive corrosion, scaling, pitting etc. before accepting the consignment
- Check type and grade of reinforcement steel.
- Correlate the material, invoice and the MTC before accepting/ even taking weighment.Accept only after weighing and check physically verifying weight on weigh bridge.
Keep an escort from weigh bridge to site yard after weighing and for weighing of tare weight of vehicle .
- Take random samples to establish actual unit weight and rolling margin supplier wise and diameter wise for each lot.
- Put tags such as dia, weight, batch no etc.
- Unload the reinforcement carefully by mechanical means or manually to avoid deformation of bars
Controlling Reinforcement Activities in Construction Site to be followed.