Analysis of Rates of Building Construction in Excel

Analysis of Rates of Building Construction in Excel

Every Estimate should be accompanied by the analysis of rates of the items provided in it.

  1. Cost of Material
  2. Cost of Labour
  3. T and P , and Sundries
  4. Carriage
  5. Contractor’s Profit

Tools and Plants ( T & P )  = 2.5 to 3 % of the labour cost

Transportation cost more than 8 km is considered

 Selection of Plot And Study

Rates of Materials and Labours :

Mason            =  Rs 550 per day

Earth work in excavation:

Mazdoor = 33

(% cum)                    Mason   = 1.5

(% cum)                    Mason   = 0.5

in foundation           Mason =1.5

Bhishti   = 2

Cement concrete          : Mazdoor = 15

Mason =  1

Bhishti   = 2.5

(10 cum )                  Mason =  2.5

Bhishti   = 5

Blacksmith = 4

Carpenter = 4

DPC                     : Mazdoor = 2.5(10 cum )

Mason =  1.5

Bhishti   = 0.5

Mason =  8

Bhishti   = 2

Plastering work     :  Mazdoor = 10

( 100 sqm)             Mason =  10

Bhishti   = 2

Mazdoor = 5

( 100 sqm)            Painter   = 4

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