Analysis of Rates of Building Construction in Excel
- To determine the rate of Building Construction a particular item of work from quantities of materials and labors required and their costs
- The rates of materials and labor are changing from place to place, therefore the rates o different items of work also changes from place to place
Every Estimate should be accompanied by the analysis of rates of the items provided in it.
- Analysis of rates comprises of
- Cost of Material
- Cost of Labour
- T and P , and Sundries
- Carriage
- Contractor’s Profit
Tools and Plants ( T & P ) = 2.5 to 3 % of the labour cost
Transportation cost more than 8 km is considered
- Water charges = 1.5 to 2 % 0f total cost
- Contractor ‘ s profit = 10 %
Rates of Materials and Labours :
- 1 st class bricks = Rs 4500 per 1000 Nos.
- 2 nd class bricks = Rs 4000 per 1000 Nos.
- Brick Ballast = Rs 800 per cum
- Coarse sand = Rs 800 per cum
- Cement 50 kg bag = Rs 270 per bag
- Twisted bars = Rs 5000 per Quintel
- Bitumen = Rs 10 per kg
Mason = Rs 550 per day
- Plaster = Rs 300 per day
- Carpenter = Rs 500 per day
- Bhishti = Rs 350 per day
- Mazdoor = Rs 350 per day
- Painter = Rs 400 per day
Earth work in excavation:
Mazdoor = 33
(% cum) Mason = 1.5
- Earth work in Filling : Mazdoor = 18
(% cum) Mason = 0.5
- Cement concrete : Mazdoor = 15
in foundation Mason =1.5
Bhishti = 2
Cement concrete : Mazdoor = 15
Mason = 1
Bhishti = 2.5
- R. Cement concrete : Mazdoor = 40
(10 cum ) Mason = 2.5
Bhishti = 5
Blacksmith = 4
Carpenter = 4
DPC : Mazdoor = 2.5(10 cum )
Mason = 1.5
Bhishti = 0.5
- 1 st class brick work : Mazdoor = 15
Mason = 8
Bhishti = 2
Plastering work : Mazdoor = 10
( 100 sqm) Mason = 10
Bhishti = 2
- Distempering/painting/white washing :
Mazdoor = 5
( 100 sqm) Painter = 4
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