Checklist For Concreting works after deshuttering
Honeycombing ( if any ) For depth up to 2” shall be repaired with Mc-Crete Type A (red color) & for depth above 2” shall be repaired by letter box method.
RCC Members Shall be in position, line, level & plumb with tolerance of + 5 mm
Cleaning of slab soffit. Slab, beam side & ceiling shall be cleaned as soon as slab/beam is deshuttered. Any slurry leakage “ papdi “ shall be chipped off . Masking Tapes, plywood, nails etc shall be removed.
Any damage to RCC Members For depth up to 2” shall be repaired with Mc-Crete Type A (red color) & for depth above 2” shall be repaired by letter box method.
Any cracks observed Shall be approved by Project manager for concession/Repair/ OR Rework
Date of Casting, written on RCC Members.Shall be written immediately after de shuttering & it shall be Legible
Any realignment of rebars, required for starter, moulding, etc.Shall be done in the slope of 1 in 6
Curing of Member Shall be done using Jutex & Wata for slab or Hessian clothe wrapped for other structures, ensured for 14 days.
Curing of slab soffit and beam sides Curing of slab soffit & beam side shall be done for 2 days after de shuttering in 5 days.
Any Watta, broken on top of slab. Shall be immediately repaired.
All, supports to RCC Members to be ensured intact (undisturbed) Shall not be de shuttered/ Removed or disturbed before maturity period & obtaining the compressive strength of cubes of the structure , as per norms laid down namely 3 days ,5days,15days & 28 days , 50%,70%/75% , 80% & 100%.
Following Checklist For Concreting works after deshuttering can be followed in the construction site.
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