Checklist for Excavation Excel Sheet
Before Excavation list of point to be checked
Are there any underground utilities like sewers, water pipelines, cables?
(if YES then bring to the notice of the Project Manager & adequate precautions to be taken while excavation)
Check whether the excavated pits are adequately shored/ timbered?
Are the excavated areas provided with fences/ barricades?
Are the excavated material kept from the edge of the pit/ trench by atleast
Are the heavy equipment such as cranes, shovels, backtoe loaders etc.
kept away atleast 6m from the edge of excavated pit?
Are danger signs provided near the excavated area?
Means of access and exit from the work area provided?
Check Set out
Check Excavation Size with Tolerance (offset)
Check for Loose materials / Loose soil
Check bottom of excavation (indicate proposed GL/Basement level with respect to existing road level)
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