Checklist for Shuttering Excel Sheet

Checklist for Shuttering Excel Sheet Formwork in concrete construction is used as a mould for a structure in which fresh concrete is poured only to harden subsequently. Types of formwork for concrete construction depends on formwork material and type of structural element.
Formworks can also be named based on the type of structural member construction such as slab formwork for use in slab, beam formwork, column formwork for use in beams and columns respectively etc.
Here steps to follow before and after formwork listed below:
1 Shuttering Material is New/ Old?
2 Repairs are OK?
3 Cleanliness of Shuttering?
4 Oiling of Shuttering?
5 Shuttering Design OK? (Dimension, Diagonal, Sunken portions etc.,)
6 Alignment/ Level/ Rigidity OK?
7 Check Props. Are they OK?
8 Check Acrow Span. Are they OK?
9 Check Braces. Are they OK?
10 Check sealing Joints/ Holes, OK?
11 Check for any rework or alterations
11 Surface of Concrete – good moderate, level and line?
12 Repair of surface required?
(if YES then the same is to be carried out and checked by Quality Assurance Engineer)
Types of Formwork (Shuttering) for Concrete Construction and its Properties. Formwork (shuttering) in concrete construction is used as a mould for a structure in which fresh concrete is poured only to harden subsequently.It is also known as falsework or shuttering. In the context of concrete construction, the falsework supports the shuttering molds for example column sides, beam.
It is used for cleaning glass at malls usually. Shuttering/Formwork : Formwork is the term given to either temporary or permanent molds into which concrete or similar materials are poured. In the context of concrete construction, the falsework supports the shuttering moulds.
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Requirements of a Good Formwork or Shuttering
Roles & Responsibilities of Site Engineer in Formwork
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