Effects of Dampness And Prevention

The various effects caused due to dampness in buildings mainly results  in  poor  functional  performance,  ugly  appearance  and structural weakness of the buildings.

1. A damp building creates unhealthy living and working conditions for the occupants

2. Presence  of  damp  condition  causes  efflorescence  on  building surfaces  which  ultimately  results  in  the  disintegration  of  bricks stones, tiles etc and hence reduction of strength

3. It may result in softening and crumbling of plaster

4. It may cause bleaching and flaking of the paint which results in the  formation  of  coloured  patches  on  the  wall  surfaces  and ceilings

5. It may result in the corrosion of metals used in the construction of buildings

6. The materials used as floor coverings such as tiles are damaged because they lose adhesion with the floor bases

7. Timber  when  in  contact  with  damp  condition,  gets  deteriorated due to the effect of warping, buckling and rolling of timber

8. All  the  electrical  fittings  gets  deteriorated,  causing  leakage  of electric current with the potential danger of a short circuit

9. Dampness  promotes  the  growth  of  termites  and  hence  creates unhygienic conditions in buildings.

10. Dampness  when  accompanied  by  the  warmth  and  darkness,breeds  the  germs  of  tuberculosis,  neuralgia,  aute  and  chronis neumatism etc which some times result in fatal diseases.

Methods of Damp Prevention

The following are the precautions to be taken to prevent dampness in buildings, before applying the various techniques.

1. The  site should be located on high ground and well drained soil to safe guard against foundation dampness

2. All  the  exposed  walls  should  be  of  sufficient  thickness  to safeguard against rain protection (minimum 30cm)

3. Bricks of superior quality free from defects should be used

4. Good quality cement mortar (1:3) should be used to produce definite pattern and perfect bond in the building

5. Cornices  and  string  courses  should  be  provided  to  through rain water away from the walls

6. All  the  exposed  surfaces  like  top  of  walls,  compound  walls etc should be covered with water proofing cement plaster

7. Cavity walls are more reliable than solid walls the dampness

Read More Causes of Dampness

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