General responsibilities of the Site Engineer

Here we discuss General responsibilities of the Site Engineer give below
A site engineer offers advice in the planning, co-ordination and supervision of technical aspects of construction projects. A site engineer’s role is vital to a construction project: they have a number of responsibilities including solving technical issues, providing advice, management and preparing reports.
General responsibilities of the Site Engineer can be summarized as follows :
a) Mutual Interaction with the concerned site engineer who worked in the other shift is the first thing which must be done to know for the lapses/progress/problems happened in his shift and thus the next step is to be followed.
b) A shift at site starts with the Safety Talk, where a site engineer alerts the workmen regarding the importance of safety in construction and insists to avoid unsafe acts.
c) Also, the activities which are going to be carried out in that particular shift are discussed in the gathering.
d) Then,Safety permits are issued to the concerned workmen for any hot work, work at height etc.. after inspecting the checklist along with safety officer at site.
e) Now, its time for the Civil Engineers to play in their ground adding the flavor of management skills , thus, balancing the work ,time and personal life.
f) Problems in executing the works needs to be discussed with the higher management at site and also, with the concerned client if necessary.
g) The interaction with the workmen at site and making them happy will make your day(Its the Best part for the site Engineers).
h) Checking the materials required and raising the Material request and following for the materials till they get delivered is the critical thing a site engineer needs to do.
i) Any lapses on the part of Safety needs to be addressed on immediate basis.
j) Quality should not be compromised at the risk of productivity. (After few days , if there is any problem in the structure constructed, no one remembers the productivity rate at that time, instead the quality speaks at that time and you will be fired out).
k) At the end of the day, the activities carried out in the shift needs to be reported in the Daily Progress Report.
Never Regret for the work. Take it, Enjoy it and Feel the happiness after completing it. !!!
Nothing is impossible !!! Its all your confidence which matters !!!
Good Luck !!
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