Importance of House in our Life
Importance of House in our Life
Food, shelter and clothes are the basic needs of mankind for a comfortable living. Among these shelter is highly essential. During ancient times, man used to live in dens. As the culture of mankind improved, science and technology also developed. Man utilized this technological development for building his house with all sophistications and facilities.
- A house is a shelter for man constructed with materials like stones, bricks, lime, cement, timber,
steel, etc. It consists of foundation, walls, floor, roof, doors and windows.To get rid of the outside busy life and worries, man feels his house as a relaxed and rest place.
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- A house protects the family from severe heat, cold, rain, storm,harmful animals and also from antisocial elements.
iii. A house binds the family members with love and affection. It brings them closer and helps them to understand each other and live together.
- For the general activities of a family like cooking, serving, washing, cleaning, storing materials, welcoming the guests, disposing the waste, etc., and for individual activities like reading, relaxing, sleeping, bathing, etc., a house forms the centre.
- House facilitates a man to express his feelings and to act independently.
- A well planned house provides privacy, adequate rest and a healthy atmosphere to the family. It provides them feeling of governance, vision, affection and protection.
vii. Only in a house, an individual understands the heritage of his family, culture and habits.
viii. A house and its surrounding depicts the fame of the family.
- One of the factors which decides the status of a family is the house in which they live.
- The development of a nation can also be measured by the colonies of houses in it.
The home is the most important place for a child. It is within the home that the most important values are taught. Knowing the values that a family cherishes helps increase harmony and peace among all family members. An essential part of family life is to reflect on what is valued in the family.
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