Job opening for Engineers in L&T Infra Engineering

Job opening for Engineers in L&T Infra Engineering
We are hiring. Join us for a rapid growth L&T Infra Engineering
L&T Infrastructure Engineering Ltd. is one of India’s leading Engineering Consulting firms offering superior technical services in Transport Infrastructure. We have extensive experience both in India and Globally, delivering single-point ‘Concept to Commissioning’ consulting services for Infrastructure projects like Airports, Roads, Bridges, Ports and Maritime structures including Environment, Transport Planning and other related services.
Position: Bridge Design Engineer (Position Code: BDE)
Educational Qualification:
UG-Bachelor’s in Civil Engg
PG-Master’s in Structural Engg
Years of Experience: 3 to 12 Years
Job Location: Chennai/Mumbai/Delhi/Hyderabad
Role Requirements:
- Experience in the design of Bridge structures for Highways, Railways & Metros.
- Experience in the design of superstructures greater than 30 Mts.
- knowledge in seismic design.
- Knowledge of PSC in design
- Experience in the design of long-span bridges.
- Knowledge of IRS, IRC, IS codes & International codes is desirable.
Position: Highway Design Engineer (Position Code: HDE)
Educational Qualification: UG-Bachelor’s in Civil Engg
PG-Master’s in Transportation / Highway Engg
Years of Experience: 3 to 12 Years
Job Location: Chennai
Role Requirements:
- Experience in the design of roads & drains in Expressways/NHs/SHs.
- Experience in railways & airport projects in DPR or Detailed Design will be preferable.
- Hands-on experience in any of the following software: Civil 3D/Open Roads.
- Knowledge of IRC code/AASHTO/SOD/IRPWM.
- Experience/Knowledge of all highway-related surveys & investigations.
Position: Geotechnical Engr (Position Code: GE)
Educational Qualification: UG Bachelor’s in Civil Engg
PG-Master’s in Geotechnical /Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering (Mandatory)
Y.O.E: 3 to 12 Years;
Job Location: Chennai
Role Requirements:
- Preparation of conceptual studies, designs, reports/proposals and development site investigation programs, specifications, budgets and schedules for projects of varying complexity.
- Interprets ground investigation data and performs analytical studies
- Select foundation systems for major industrial structures and evaluates foundation-bearing capacity and settlements for shallow foundations
- Prepares/checks calculations to evaluate the major types of deep foundations, including driven piles, auger cast piles and drilled piers
- Assesses of Ground improvement requirements and recommends mitigation measures for poor soil
Position: Ports – Detailed Design Engineer (Position Code: PDE)
Educational Qualification: UG-Bachelor’s in Civil Engg.
PG-Master’s in Marine Structures/Structural Engg/Offshore Structures.
Years of Exp: 3 to 10 Years
Job Location: Chennai
Role Requirements:
- Candidate should have experience in Tender/Detailed Design of Marine Civil structures:
- Container Berths/Coal Berths/Multipurpose Berths.
- LPG/LNG Berths etc.
- Fishing Jetty/Passenger Jetty
- RCC structure & Steel structure design & detailing.
- Preparation of BOQs and Design Documents.
Position: Transport Planner / Modeler (Position Code: TPM)
Educational Qualification: UG-Bachelor’s in Civil Engg.
PG-Masters in Transport planning/Engineering.
Years of Exp: 6 to 15 Years
Job Location: Chennai
Role Requirements:
The candidate should have experience in city-level planning studies like CMP, CTTS, Traffic Impact Studies, Traffic management studies, Multi-Modal integration studies, TOD Studies etc.
Knowledge of software such as statistical software tools, NLOGIT, SYNCRO, TRANSYT, ArcGIS, HDM-IV, etc. will be an added advantage.
Candidate should have worked/implemented CUBE or VISSIM in any of the projects
Job opening Engineers L&T
Position: Rail Alignment & Track Design Engineer (Position Code: RATDE)
Educational Qualification: UG-Bachelor’s in Civil Engg.
PG-Masters in (Transportation) (or) Equivalent in Railway Engineering. Y.OP 5-6 Years;
Job Location: Chennai
Role Requirements:
- Experience in completing at least one major project from concept to design approvals/commissioning. Knowledge of IRPWM IRS and / (or) other international standards
- Design a permanent way for the railway in accordance with client requirements
- Horizontal and vertical alignment design and reporting. Different modes (Light rail to freight) and different design stages (concept to detail)
- Development of track alignment, profile, and associated grading plus drainage Assessment of rail vehicle/infrastructure clearances
Please send the CVs to with the subject “IEL-Position Code”
Example: For Bridge Design Engineer- “IEL-BDE”
Caution: The L&T Group of companies does not charge candidates any fee at any stage of recruitment. Please report any such request at