List of Some Useful IS Codes for Civil Construction Work
A large number of Indian Standard (IS) codes are available that are meant for virtually every aspect of civil engineering one can think of. During one’s professional life one normally uses only a handful of them depending on the nature of work they are involved in. Civil engineers engaged in construction activities of large projects usually have to refer to a good number of IS codes as such projects entail use of lots of assorted construction materials in many varieties of structures such as buildings, roads, steel structures, all sorts of foundations and what not.
A list of these codes can come in handy not only for them but also for construction-newbies, students, etc. The list provided below may not be a comprehensive one, yet it definitely includes some IS codes quite frequently used (while a few of them occasionally) by construction engineers. The description of the codes in the list may not be exactly the same as that written on the covers of the codes. Readers may add more such codes to this list and also point out slips if found in the given list.
* IS: 456 – code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete.
* IS: 383 – specifications for fine & coarse aggregate from natural sources for concrete.
* IS: 2386 – methods of tests for aggregate for concrete.
* IS: 2430 – methods of sampling.
* IS: 4082 – specifications for storage of materials.
* IS: 2116 – permissible clay, silt & fine dust contents in sand.
* IS: 2250 – compressive strength test for cement mortar cubes.
* IS: 269 – specifications for 33 grade OPC.
* IS: 8112 – specifications for 43 grade OPC.
* IS: 12269 – specifications for 53 grade OPC.
* IS: 455 – specifications for PSC (Portland slag cement).
* IS: 1489 – specifications for PPC (Portland pozzolana cement).
* IS: 6909 – specifications for SSC (super sulphated cement).
* IS: 8041 – specifications for RHPC (Rapid Hardening Portland cement).
* IS: 12330 – specifications for SRPC (sulphate resistant portland cement).
* IS: 6452 – specifications for HAC for structural use (high alumina cement).
* IS: 3466 – specifications for masonry cement.
* IS: 4031 – chemical analysis and tests on cement.
* IS: 456; 10262; SP 23 – codes for designing concrete mixes.
* IS: 1199 – methods of sampling and analysis of concrete.
* IS: 516 – methods of test for strength of concrete.
* IS: 13311 – ultrasonic testing of concrete structures.
* IS: 4925 – specifications for concrete batching plant.
* IS: 3025 – tests on water samples.
* IS: 4990 – specifications for plywood formwork for concrete.
* IS: 9103 – specifications for concrete admixtures.
* IS: 12200 – specifications for PVC water bars.
* IS: 1077 – specifications for bricks for masonry work.
* IS: 5454 – methods of sampling of bricks for tests.
* IS: 3495 – methods of testing of bricks.
* IS: 1786 – cold-worked HYSD steel rebars (grade Fe415 & Fe500).
* IS: 432; 226; 2062 – mild steel of grade I.
* IS: 432; 1877 – mild steel of grade II.
* IS: 1566 – specifications for hard drawn steel wire fabric for reinforcing concrete.
* IS: 1785 – specifications for plain hard drawn steel wire fabric for prestressed concrete.
* IS: 2090 – specifications for high tensile strength steel bar for prestressed concrete.
* IS: 2062 – specifications for steel for general purposes.
* IS: 226 – specifications for rolled steel made from structural steel.
* IS: 2074 – specifications for prime coat for structural steel.
* IS: 2932 – specifications for synthetic enamel paint for structural steel.
* IS: 12118 – specifications for Polysulphide sealants.