Micro-concrete is generally used as a repair material which is of non shrinking type. The application areas include
- Repair of damaged reinforced concrete elements like beams, columns, wall, etc. where access is restricted and compaction is not possible. }
- For jacketing of RCC columns to increase load-taking capacity (strengthening of a vertical members)
Microconcrete is combination of cement, high quality graded fine aggregate, shrinkage compensating agents and dispersion agents in powder form marketed as dry powder in packets by construction chemical companies. This is to be mixed with predetermined amount of water depending on the consistency sought – trowelable or pourable. Applied as repair mortar or to fill the crevices which cannot be done by conventional concrete.
Micro concrete is a dry ready mix cementitious based composition formulated mainly for used in repairs works when the concrete is damaged and the area is restricted in movement due to which there is problem in placing concrete. Micro concrete is in dry powder from added with clean water on the site and its a good quality cement.
- Repair of damaged reinforced concrete elements like beams, columns, wall, etc. where access is restricted and compaction is not possible.
- For Jacketing of RCC columns to increase load-taking capacity
- Can be pumped or poured into restricted locations
- Gaseous expansion system compensates for shrinkage and settlement in the plastic state
- Develops high initial and ultimate final strengths
- Makes repaired sections highly durable
- Rapid strength gain to facilitate early reinstatement