Mivan shuttering

Mivan shuttering
Mivan is the name of company which invented “Aluminium Formwork”. So, its often called mivan shuttering as in India we call cool drink as pepsi or coco cola and toothpaste as colgate.In mivan shuttering we can cast whole slab,beam,column at one go making the unit a composite structure.
Columns are casted first followed by beam and slab, concreting is done by boom placer or pump.
1. Fast completion of floors
2. Uniformity in structural components.
3. Good finishing can be seen.
4. No need of plastering.
1. Expensive, used for typical floors only.
2. Initial setup takes time.
3. Construction joints should be executed properly.
4. Alignment maintainence needs skilled labourers.
5. Holes caused by wall tie should be grouted properly with GP2 else the will be problem of leakage in columns.
Mivan formwork requires relatively less labour
More seismic resistance
Increased durability
Lesser number of joints and reduced leakages
Higher carpet area
Smooth finishing of wall and slab
Uniform quality of construction
Negligible maintenance
Faster completion
Ebook to Read Building Design and Construction Handbook
See More Requirements of a Good Formwork or Shuttering
Even though there are so many advantages of Mivan formwork the limitations cannot be ignored. However the limitations do not pose any serious problems. They are as follows: –
Because of few small sizes finishing lines are seen on the concrete surfaces
Services after completing become slightly difficult due to the small width of components
It requires uniform planning as well as uniform elevations to be cost effective
The formwork requires number of spacer, wall ties etc. which are placed @ 2ft c/c; these produce problems such as seepage, leakages during monsoon
Due to box-type construction, contraction cracks are likely to appear
Heat of hydration is high due to shear walls
It is rigid in design once placed, as any alteration becomes tough later
Remedial Measures:
It is possible to minimize contraction cracks by providing control strips in the structure which could be concreted with a delay of about 3-7 days after major concreting. The problem of cracking can be avoided by minimizing the heat of hydration by using flash.