Points to be Observed in Recording Measurement of Works

Measurement of Civil Works
Measurement Books are very important account records. The measurements of all the works and supplies are recorded in the Measurement Book and payments are made on the basis of measurements recorded.
Points to be Observed in Recording Measurement of Works
The measurements are recorded by the AE or JE to whom the measurements books have been issued for the purpose. The measurement of works are taken accurately and recorded neatly for different items of works for respective units.
The measurement should be taken with correct metallic tape,preferably with a steel tape. Before taking measurement, the officer should be familiar with specifications and the terms and conditions of the contract agreement. I
The pages of the measurement book are machine numbered.Entries should be recorded continuously and no blank pages should be left or pages torn out. Any pages left blank by mistake should be cancelled by diagonal lines, ‘ cancellation being initialled, attested and dated.
All measurements should be recorded in ink directly in the measurement book and no where else. Entries with indelible pencil is admissible but the pencil entries should not be inked over. No entry should be erased if a mistake is made, it should be corrected by crossing out and inserting the corrections, and corrections thus made should be initialled and dated.
When any measurements are cancelled, the cancellation must be supported by the initial of the officer ordering cancellation orders reference to his orders initialled by the officer who made the measurements, the reason for cancellation should be. recorded. As a reliable record, it may have to be produced before a Court of Law.
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Measurements should be taken in the presence of the Contractor and his signature should be taken at the bottom pencil is admissible but the pencil entries should not be inked over. No entry should be erased if a mistake is made, it should be corrected by crossing out and inserting the corrections, and corrections thus made should be initialled and dated.
When any measurements are cancelled, the cancellation must be supported by the initial of the officer ordering cancellation orders reference to his orders initialled by the officer who made the measurements, the reason for cancellation should be. recorded. As a reliable record, it may have to be produced before a Court of Law.
Measurements should be taken in the presence of the Contractor and his signature should be taken at the bottom of measurements. Loss of measurement book is a serious matter and is to be reported to the higher authorities and suitable action-is initiated.
The bill for payment to the contractor is prepared from the abstract in the measurement book. Before the bill is prepared, the entries in the Measurement Book(MB) are scrutinized by the concerned Engineer and quantities are also cross checked by the concerned staff.
The checking of measurements should be made promptly, usually within a period or 11/2 months of completion of the work. On checking, if the difference exceeds certain limits (1% in case of original work, 5% in case of repair work, 10% in case of earthwork), the matter should be reported to higher authorities and re-measurement should be initiated.
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