Preparation of Project and Execution of a Work

Steps followed in the Preparation of Project and Execution of a Work
Any medium to major civil work or a project involves the following stages for preparation and execution
1.Preliminary investigation is done and a rough estimate is prepared.
2.Administrative approval of the department concerned is to be obtained.
3.Land acquisition if any has to be started. ‘
4.Detailed survey is done if required depending on the nature of work and survey plans are prepared
5.Designs, drawings, plans, elevations, sections etc., are prepared.
6.Detailed estimates of all the works complete with abstract, general abstract, report, design calculations, detailed specifications etc., are to be prepared.
7.Technical sanction of the competent authority is obtained.
8.Allotment of funds.
Ebook to Read Civil Engineering Project Management
9.Requirement of Materials such as cement, steel etc., is worked out is worked out.
10.Plan for the arrangement of tools, plants, heavy machineries if required in advance.
11. Tender for works are invited as per Rules(KTPP Act) and process of bidding and acceptance of the bidder would take place.
12.Contract agreement with all contract documents, schedules, specifications,design drawings, plans etc., with terms and conditions are to be signed between the engineer and the contractor

13.For execution of works, detailed working drawings are to be prepared as required.
14.The execution of work is started, supervised, inspected and completed as per the terms and conditions.
15.For defective, unsatisfactory work or slow progress, contractor is issued notices and penalty imposed as per the terms and conditions of contract
16.Payment to Contractor is made by running account bill from time to time as the work progresses.
17.Actual measurements of works done are recorded in the measurement book properly and contents calculated in the proper columns by the concerned Engineer.
18.A senior Engineer in charge has to check the measurements as per rule and prepare the bill in proper form and pay orders obtained in the measurement book and bill and then payments are made to the contractor after due acknowledgement
19.Materials if any supplied and the materials at site account are maintained
20.When the whole work is complete as per the terms and conditions of contract, it is inspected thoroughly and on full satisfaction, the final payment of the contractor is made on taking actual measurement and preparing bill in proper form.
21.The Security and Earnest Money Deposit amounts are paid to the Contractor after the satisfactory completion and on confirming the-quality of worksfor a period specified in the contract agreement (normally 12 or 24 months) after the completion of works.
Above following points to be followed to Preparation of Project and Execution of a Work.
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