Calculation of Brick Masonry Estimating Quantity Excel Sheet

Calculation of Brick Masonry Estimating Quantity Excel Sheet
Here calculation Brick Masonry Estimating quantity of Cement, Sand & Bricks in Excel Sheet free to download.some basic info and terms given below.
Bond The arrangement of the bricks in successive courses to tic the brick work together both longitudinally and transversely. The arrangement is usually designed ‘to ensure that no vertical joim of one course is exactly over the one in the next course above or below it, fu.’1d there is greatest possible amount of lap.
Bed Joint Horizontal joint in brick work or masonry
Calculation of Cement and Sand for Plastering Excel Sheet
Closer Any portion of a brick used in constructing a wall, to dose up the bond next to the end brick of a course.
Coping or weathering The cover applied over or the geometrical form given to a part of structure to enable it to shed rain water.
Corbel : A cantilever projecting from the face of a wall to form a bearing.
Cornice Horizontal or ornamental feature projecting from the face of a wall.
Course A layer of bricks including bed mortar.
Cross joint A joint other than a bed joint normal to the wan face.
Efflorescence A powdery incrnstment of salts left by evaporation.This may be visible on tlle surface or may be below surface. In the latter case, this is termed as crypto Efflorescence.
Header A brick laid with its length across the wall.
Joint A junction of bricks.
Jointing The operation of finishing joints as’ the masonry work proceeds.
Pier A thickened section forming integral part of the wall placed at intervals along the wan primarily to increase the stiffiness of the wall or to carry a vertical concentrated load. The thickness of a pier is the over all thickness including the thickness of the wall, or when bonded into one leaf of a cavity wall the thickness obtained by treating this leaf as an independent wall (see
Pillar Pillar means a detached masonry support. This can be rectangular, circular, elliptical etc. In case of rectangular pillar, the breadth shall not exceed three times the thickness and thickness itself shall not exceed more than thrice length of brick.
Quoin An extemal comer in brick work, the term may also denote the brick used to fonn the quoin.
Scaffolding A temporary erection of timber or steel work used in the construction, alteration, demohtion or repairs of a building to support or to attend of the hoisting or lowering of workmen, their tools and materials.
Sill A brick work form ing the lower boundary of door or window opening
Spandrel The space between the haunches arid the road decking of an arch.
Strecher : A brick laid with its length in the direction of the wall
String course A horizontal course projecting. from a wall usually introduced at every floor level or windows or below parapet for imparting architectural appearance to the structure and also keeping off the rain water.
Templet A pattern of sheet metal used as a guide for setting out specific section and shape.
Toothing Bricks left projecting in alternate courses to bond with future work.
Wall joint A joint parrallel to the wall face.
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