Reinforced Cement Concrete) column is a structural member of RCC frame structured building.
Earthwork in excavation in foundation:
1×2.00×2.00×0.83= 3.32CUM
(0.75M trapezoidal portion height+0.08M concrete)
Cement concrete 1:4:8 in base:
1×2.00×2.00×0.08= 0.32CUM
R.C.C work 1:2:4: in footing excluding steel and it’s bending.
Bottom square portion
1×2.00×2.00×0.25= 1.00CUM
Trapezoidal portion Vol
Total : 1.00+0.804= 1.804CUM
R.C.C work 1:2:4: in column above Ground Level (G.L) excluding steel and it’s bending
Square portion below plinth level (P.L)
1x.35x.35×60 = 0.074 CUM
Circular portion above plinth level
1x(π/4×0.30×0.30)x3.30 = 0.233 CUM
Total: 0.074+0.233 = 0.307 CUM
Steel reinforcing bars including bending-
(i) 12 mm dia bars @0.89kg in base footing
No. of bars = (200cm-8cm)/15cm+1= 14Nos.
(Bars are spaced at 15cm centre to centre and cover 8cm less, 4cm in one side + 1 bar is added)
L=200-2covers+2hooks = 200-2×4+2x9x1.2 = 213.6cm, say 2.14m
(cover=4cm, hook = 9xd, d is diameter of bar 12mm = 1.2cm)
Bars are placed two way so
2x14Nos.x2.14m (Bar length) = 2x14x2.14 = 53.33 Kg.
(ii) 16mm diameter dowel bars@ 1.58 kg
L= 0.45+0.75-2xcover+bend on the concrete
= 0.45+0.75-2x.04+0.15 (overlap 41cm+4cmcover=45cm)
= 1.27m , take 6 Nos. dowel bars 60° apart.
=6Nosx1.27×1.58 = 12.40kg
(iii) 16mm dia vertical bars @ 1.58kg in column
L = 3.30+0.6+0.10+0.10 =4.10m, take 6 Nos bars at 60° apart.
6Nosx4.1×1.58 = 38.87Kg
(iV) 10mm Dia bars @ 0.62kg in lateral ties
No.= 3.90/.15+1 = 27Nos.
L = πx.22+18×1.0 (18xd) = .88m
27Nosx0.88×0.62 = 14.73kg.
Total weight: 53.33+12.04+38.87+14.73 = 118.97kg
- Earthwork in excavation in foundation: 3.32cum
- Cement concrete 1:4:8 in base: 0.32cum
- R.C.C work 1:2:4: in footing excluding 1.804cum
Steel and it’s bending.
- R.C.C work 1:2:4: in column above Ground 0.307cum
Level (G.L) excluding steel and it’s bending
- Steel reinforcing bars including bending- 118.97kg
Centering & shuttering required:
(a) Footing trapezoidal portion- 4Nos.x(2.00+0.35)/2xsloping height
4.531 sqm
(b) Square portion above G.L up to plinth- =4Nos.x0.35×0.6
= 0.840 sqm
(c.) Circular portion above plinth-
Total= 4.531+0.84+3.109 = 8.48sqm