Recruitment of Civil Engineer, Site Supervisor(Civil) in IRCON

Recruitment of Civil Engineer, Site Supervisor(Civil) in IRCON
IRCON INTERNATIONAL LIMITED is a premier Schedule “A” infrastructure government company under the Ministry of Railways engaged in the construction of turnkey infrastructure projects in Railways, Highways, Buildings, Power sector, etc. The Company has recorded a turnover of more than 3200 crores in the year 2016-17. The Company has successfully completed large value Railway and Highway Projects over the years in India and abroad including Malaysia, Bangladesh,Algeria, Iraq, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, Nepal, etc., and recently in Sri Lanka.
The Company invites Applications for following Posts on Contract Basis in various disciplines for which the eligibility criteria and other details are tabulated below:
*Age relaxations as per Govt. of India guidelines subject to fulfillment of the requisite qualification, pay & experience criteria etc.
Medical Standards: Candidates should be in sound health and free from color blindness. No relaxation in health standards will be allowed.
Selection Process: For the Post of Work Engineers – Written Exam and/or Interview.
For the Post of Site Supervisors- Written Test
A The above posts are specifically for Specific Ircon’s Projects and not for the regular establishment of Ircon. The appointment will be initially for one year, extendable further as per requirement of the Company if the services of the candidates are found to be satisfactory. However, the appointment is co-terminus with the project and will not confer any right to claim absorption in regular establishment of the company or for appointment in other projects of the company.
B-1 Reimbursement for indoor treatment for self at the place of posting only would be permissible.
B-2 Minimum PF as prescribed under the EPF & MP Act 1952 will be deducted from the salary and amatching contribution will be made by Ircon. The accumulations will be paid at the time of cessation of contract.
B-3 One leave for each calendar month of service can be availed during the contract period. Leave can be carried forward and accumulated but no leave encashment for un-availed leave is allowed during the contract or on resignation or termination of contract. No other type of leave would be admissible.
B-4 One weekly off and other public holiday when the project office remains closed would be available.
B-5 TA/DA would also be admissible if deputed on outstation duty.
B-6 Working hours will be the same as for the project.
B-7 No other perks or benefits would be admissible except the above.
B-8 The ex-employees of Ircon, whose services were terminated due to closure of projects, can also apply for these posts if they fulfil the required qualifications and experience. A copy of the termination letter should be sent along with the application. This appointment will be subject to their satisfactory performance and shall be co-terminus with the project. The persons so appointed for this project will have no claim for their absorption in regular establishment of the Company or for appointment in other projects of the company.
1. The number of posts indicated above may vary based on further assessment of requirement. The Preference of projects selected by the candidates will be considered as per the vacancies and merit list. The Preferences of the candidates may change accordingly. The final posting will be as per the organization requirement that is Ircon and no change in posting at any stage of recruitment will be entertained. The Decision of Ircon may be treated as final.
2. All information submitted in the application will be verified with original documents at the time of interview/ Written Test . If any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or incorrect or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria, then his/her candidature is liable to be rejected/cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process
3. Suitability: If selection panel finds any candidate suitable/fit for a lower post which is advertised in this advertisement, then he/she shall be selected on the lower post (irrespective of the actual post/vacancy to which candidate has applied) subject to the willingness of the candidate.
4. Candidates applying for more than one post should apply separately for each post.
5. Fee, once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore requested to verify their eligibility before paying the application fee.
6. Incomplete application will be summarily rejected. Any request to add additional information in application form after the application has been submitted shall not be entertained in any condition.
7. Candidates are required to retain a copy of the online submitted application form for future reference.
8. Ircon reserves the right to cancel this advertisement and / or selection process for any of the above posts without assigning any reason.
9. Number of vacancy mentioned above may increase or decrease depending upon the requirement of the company.
10. Any corrigendum/addendum/errata in respect of the above advertisement shall be made available only on our official website, No further press advertisement will be given. Hence prospective applicants are advised to visit Ircon website regularly for latest updates
11. Candidates for the above specified posts are required to make ‘Online Application Payment’ as per the table below: Detailed Process is given at the end of the Advertisement
1. Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria mentioned in the advertisement. The application will be submitted once and hence candidates should keep their documents ready before filling the online application form.
2. Eligible candidates have to apply through online mode only. Candidates may visit the ‘HR & Career@Ircon Section (& further ‘Contract Employment’ section) of Ircon’s corporate website is advisable that the candidates have a valid e-mail id while applying for the job through online mode in order to facilitate faster communication.
3. After the payment is completed, candidates may take a printout of the submitted application and it is advised to keep it with them for future reference. There is no need to send the print out to Ircon’s Office.
4. Candidates should mention percentage in the fields where percentage is required. In case CGPA/OGPA/DGPA is mentioned in mark sheets, following criteria may be applied:
In case where conversion into percentage is not provided by university/institutes: “if university/institute do not have the provision for conversion of CGPA/OGPA/CPI/DGPA or letter grade into percentage than minimum 6 on 10 point scale will be considered as 60%. On any scale different from 10 point scale the score will be prorated accordingly.
In case where conversion into percentage is provided by university/institutes: Wherever CGPA/OGPA/CPI/DGPA or letter grade in degree is awarded; equivalent % of marks should be indicated in the online application as per norms adopted by concerned university/institute. A certificate to this effect may be obtained by the candidate from the university/institute, which shall be required to be submitted along with application.
5. If the candidate belongs to OBC, a caste certificate issued in the current financial year only by a competent authority as applicable for appointment to the services in Govt.of India. Please note that an OBC certificate issued in the current financial year only can be accepted as a current proof of your not belonging to “creamy layer” in the OBC.
6. In the online application format, there is a column for “Details of ERP/Computer Proficiency”. In this particular column, candidates have to provide the details regarding their knowledge/proficiency in Computers or in ERP with details of any diploma/certifications in the same. Necessary documents regarding the same, if any, have to be uploaded while submitting the online application.
7. Ircon’s online application system at its website will remain functional from 04.10.2017 to 19.10.2017. However, candidates should complete the application at the earliest in order to avoid site congestion.
8. Before submitting the filled in application candidates should ensure that all the entries are properly filled and are correct.
Candidate needs to re-login and click the link/tab “Make Online Payment” active after 24 hours of submission of the application.
The candidates are required to click on “Make Online Payment” after 24 hrs of submission of online application and deposit the requisite examination fee online through Internet Banking/Debit/Credit Card only from State Bank Collect system of State Bank of India website. The journal number or the Transaction number given by the Bank is to be retained for future reference.
The details of fees to be deposited by the candidate through On-line mode are as follows:
Note : Bank Charges would be extra as per applicable
Guidelines for deposit of Examination Fee through State Bank Collect System (SBP) (Link will active up to/after 24 hrs of submission of online Application)
Click on “Make Online Payment”. On clicking the link, the candidate will be navigated to State Bank Collect (State Bank of India) page of IRCON displaying their logo and available categories of payments in drop boxes.
Click Here to Apply Online
1. On the next screen,
a. Please enter your IRCON application number,
b. Date of birth.
2. On the next screen, (following Data will appeared automatically from database)
- Application Sequence Number,
- Date of Birth
- Name of applicant,
- Mobile number,
- Post Applied
- Social Category
- Email ID,
- Exam. Fees
3. Verify the details and click on ‘Confirm’.
4. Now you will be taken to payment gateway
5. Select appropriate ‘Mode of Payment’
6. Check the charges/commission applicable for selected ‘Mode of Payment’
7. Pay ‘online’ using Internet Banking/Credit Card/Debit Card and print the e-receipt for your record.