SAMPLE Quotation for Building Construction Based on Item rates contract
All rate are not in current update its just format of quotation
Sl . No. | DESCRIPTION OF WORK | Unit | Rate | ||
1 | Excavation in hard/ soft soil for foundation, and removing the excavated earth to a distance not exceeding 50 m and with a lift up to 1. 5 m in hard soil. | Cft | 8.00 | ||
2 | Providing and laying granite jelly concrete using 40 mm down size jelly for foundation and well compacted curing etc. complete in cement concrete ( 1 : 4 : 8 ). | Cft | 70.00 | ||
3 | Providing and constructing granite or trap size stone masonry with bond stones 2m apart in each course including curing etc complete as per specification in cement mortar ( 1 : 8). | Cft | 90.00 | ||
4 | Providing and laying granite or trap jelly cement concrete using 20 mm down size including curing etc. complete in cement concrete ( 1 : 3 : 6 )for plinth beam. | Cft | 150.00 | ||
5 | Providing and laying cement concrete (1:11/2:3) for R.C.C. Column footing using 20mm and down size granite jelly with necessary centering and shuttering including machine mixing lifting laying tamping finishing exposed faces in cement mortar (1:3) curing etc , complete (Exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges). | Cft | 150.00 | ||
6 | Providing and laying cement concrete (1:2:4) for R.C.C. Column using 20mm and down size granite jelly with necessary centering and shuttering including machine mixing lifting laying tamping finishing exposed faces in cement mortar (1:3) curing etc , complete (Exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges). | Cft | 150.00 | ||
7 | Providing and laying cement concrete (1:2:4) for R.C.C. Beam using 20mm and down size granite jelly with necessary centering and shuttering including machine mixing lifting laying tamping finishing exposed faces in cement mortar (1:3) curing etc , complete (Exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges). | Cft | 150.00 | ||
8 | Providing and constructing brick masonry with approved quality of table moulded modular Bricks of standard size with necessary scaffolding and curing etc, in cement mortar(1:6).(9″ thick wall). | Cft | 100.00 | ||
9 | Providing and constructing brick masonry with approved quality of table moulded modular Bricks of standard size with necessary scaffolding and curing etc, in cement mortar(1:6)(4 1/2″ thick wall). | Sft | 70.00 | ||
10 | Providing and laying cement concrete (1:2:4) for R.C.C. Lintels using 20mm and down size granite jelly including vibrating, curing and with, complete. (Exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges). | Cft | 150.00 | ||
11 | Providing and laying cement concrete for R.C.C Chajja and loft as per design in cement concrete (1:2:4) in granite of 20 mm and down size along with plastering in cement mortar (1:3) including plastering complete (Excluding cost of steel and fabrication charges) . | Sft | 120.00 | ||
12 | Providing and laying cement concrete (1:2:4) for R.C.C. Stair case using 20 mm and down size granite jelly including vibrating curing and with necessary centering and form work , including smooth finish in cement mortar (1:3) etc, complete (Exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges). | Cft | 200.00 | ||
13 | Providing and laying cement concrete (1:2:4) for R.C.C. Roof slab using 20mm and down size granite jelly with necessary centering and shuttering including machine mixing lifting laying tamping finishing exposed faces in cement mortar (1:3) curing etc , complete (Exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges). | Cft | 150.00 | ||
14 | Providing and fabricating mild/HYSD steel reinforcement including straightening , cutting, bending ,hooking ,lapping ,tieing, with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever etc , complete as per design and specification . | Tons | 45000.00 | ||
15 | Providing & Laying P.C.C (1:4:8) For Portico with 40mm and down size jelly including tamping, curing, finishing etc, complete. | Sft | 30.00 | ||
16 | Providing plain plastering for external walls of burnt brick masonry in cement mortar (1:6) including providing and removing scaffolding smooth rendering , curing etc, complete. | Sft | 30.00 | ||
17 | Providing plain plastering for internal walls of burnt brick masonry in cement mortar (1:6) including providing and removing scaffolding, lime rendering curing etc , complete. | Sft | 35.00 | ||
18 | Providing plastering to ceiling with cement mortar (1:3) with necessary scaffolding and curing , complete . | Sft | 40.00 | ||
19 | Providing and fixing doors with Sal wood frames & Skin doors fixed in the masonry with flat iron hold fasts embedded in cement concrete (1:3:6:) with fully paneled shutters including fixing the fittings. etc, complete.(Skin Doors) | Sft | 400.00 | ||
20 | Providing and fixing windows & Ventilators of sal & Honne wood frames fixed in the masonry with iron hold fasts embedded in cement concrete (1:3:6) with fully paneled Honne wood shutters as per design and drawing including fixing the fittings . etc , complete. | Sft | 800.00 | ||
21 | Providing and fixing Main door with Teak wood, including fixing & fittings etc, complete. | ||||
Sft | 1500.00 | ||||
22 | Providing flooring with Vertified tiles, including finishing etc, complete.(Basic price =80/-) | Sft | 130.00 | ||
23 | Skirting(Vetrified tiles): | Rft | 70.00 | ||
24 | Providing & laying Antiskid flooring for Toilet.) | Sft | 80.00 | ||
25 | Glazed tiles Dadooding for toilet & kitchen walls in cement mortar in clading, oxalic acid wash, finishing etc, complete.(basic rate Rs. 70/- per Sft) | Sft | 120.00 | ||
26 | Providing emulsion painting to internal walls over the primer coat of approved make and colour and finishing as per specification and directions. | Sft | 14.00 | ||
27 | Providing Distemper painting to ceiling over the primer coat of approved make and colour and finishing as per specification and directions. | Sft | 10.00 | ||
28 | Providing Asian Apex Matte painting for External walls over the primer coat of approved make and colour and finishing as per specification and directions. | Sft | 12.00 | ||
29 | Providing and laying weather proof course to the required slope as per detailed specification and directions etc., complete. | Sft | 30.00 | ||
30 | Providing parapet wall of 4 ½” thick and 2’ 6” high with approved quality of modular bricks including plastering in cement mortar (1:6).etc , complete. | Rft | 300.00 | ||
31 | Providing and fixing of M.S. grill for windows and fixing of all fittings, finishing etc., complete, as per design & specification. | Sft | 120.00 | ||
32 | Providing Enamel painting for Grills/ Staircase Railing & Balcony Railing etc, complete. | Sft | 12.00 | ||
33 | Providing & construction of Sump tank with burnt brick maonry walls & providing & laying of RCC Roof slab including plastering etc.,complete along with sump cover. | Rs. 3/- Ltrs. | |||
34 | Providing & construction of 4 1/2″ Compound wall upto a height of 4’6″ including foundation, plastering, painting etc, complete. | Rft | 750.00 | ||
35 | Providing & fixing of M.S.Gate as per design & specification, etc., complete. | Sft | 200.00 | ||
36 | Providing & fixing of M.S.Railing as per design & specification for balcony railings. | Sft | 150.00 |