SAMPLE Quotation for Building Construction Based on Item rates contract


SAMPLE Quotation for Building Construction Based on Item rates contract

All rate are not in current update its just format of quotation


Sl . No. DESCRIPTION    OF    WORK Unit Rate
1 Excavation in hard/ soft soil for foundation,  and  removing  the  excavated  earth  to  a distance not exceeding  50 m and  with  a lift up  to  1. 5 m  in  hard  soil. Cft 8.00
2  Providing and laying  granite  jelly  concrete using 40 mm down size  jelly for foundation   and  well compacted  curing  etc. complete in   cement  concrete   (  1 : 4 : 8 ). Cft 70.00
3 Providing  and  constructing  granite  or  trap size  stone  masonry  with  bond  stones  2m apart  in  each  course  including  curing  etc complete  as  per  specification  in  cement mortar  (  1 : 8). Cft 90.00
4 Providing and laying  granite or trap jelly cement  concrete using 20 mm down size including curing  etc. complete in  cement concrete   (  1 : 3 : 6 )for plinth  beam. Cft 150.00
5 Providing  and  laying  cement  concrete  (1:11/2:3)  for  R.C.C.  Column footing using  20mm  and  down  size  granite  jelly  with necessary  centering  and  shuttering  including  machine  mixing  lifting  laying  tamping  finishing  exposed  faces  in  cement  mortar  (1:3)  curing  etc ,  complete  (Exclusive  of  cost  of  steel  and  fabrication  charges). Cft 150.00
6 Providing  and  laying  cement  concrete  (1:2:4)  for  R.C.C.  Column using  20mm  and  down  size  granite  jelly  with necessary  centering  and  shuttering  including  machine  mixing  lifting  laying  tamping  finishing  exposed  faces  in  cement  mortar  (1:3)  curing  etc ,  complete  (Exclusive  of  cost  of  steel  and  fabrication  charges). Cft 150.00
7 Providing  and  laying  cement  concrete  (1:2:4)  for  R.C.C.  Beam using  20mm  and  down  size  granite  jelly  with necessary  centering  and  shuttering  including  machine  mixing  lifting  laying  tamping  finishing  exposed  faces  in  cement  mortar  (1:3)  curing  etc ,  complete  (Exclusive  of  cost  of  steel  and  fabrication  charges). Cft 150.00
8 Providing and constructing  brick masonry with approved   quality of table moulded  modular  Bricks of standard size with necessary scaffolding and curing etc, in cement mortar(1:6).(9″ thick wall). Cft 100.00
9 Providing and constructing  brick masonry with approved   quality of table moulded  modular  Bricks of standard size with necessary scaffolding and curing etc, in cement mortar(1:6)(4 1/2″ thick wall). Sft 70.00
10  Providing and laying cement concrete    (1:2:4) for R.C.C. Lintels using  20mm and down size granite jelly including vibrating, curing and with, complete. (Exclusive of cost of steel and fabrication charges). Cft 150.00
11 Providing  and  laying  cement  concrete  for  R.C.C Chajja  and loft as  per  design  in  cement  concrete (1:2:4)  in  granite  of  20 mm  and  down  size  along  with  plastering  in  cement mortar  (1:3)  including  plastering  complete (Excluding  cost  of  steel  and  fabrication  charges) . Sft 120.00
12 Providing  and  laying  cement  concrete  (1:2:4)  for  R.C.C.  Stair case  using  20 mm  and  down  size  granite  jelly  including  vibrating curing and with  necessary  centering  and  form work ,  including  smooth  finish  in  cement  mortar  (1:3) etc,  complete  (Exclusive  of  cost  of  steel  and  fabrication  charges). Cft 200.00
13 Providing  and  laying  cement  concrete  (1:2:4)  for  R.C.C.  Roof  slab  using  20mm  and  down  size  granite  jelly  with  necessary  centering  and  shuttering  including  machine  mixing  lifting  laying  tamping  finishing  exposed  faces  in  cement  mortar  (1:3)  curing  etc ,  complete  (Exclusive  of  cost  of  steel  and  fabrication  charges). Cft 150.00
14 Providing  and  fabricating  mild/HYSD  steel reinforcement including straightening , cutting, bending ,hooking ,lapping ,tieing, with binding  wire and anchoring to the  adjoining  members  wherever  etc ,  complete  as  per  design  and  specification  . Tons 45000.00
15 Providing & Laying P.C.C (1:4:8) For Portico with 40mm  and down size jelly including tamping, curing, finishing etc, complete. Sft 30.00
16 Providing plain plastering  for  external  walls of  burnt  brick  masonry  in  cement  mortar (1:6)  including  providing  and  removing  scaffolding  smooth  rendering , curing  etc, complete. Sft 30.00
17 Providing  plain  plastering  for  internal  walls  of burnt brick masonry in cement  mortar (1:6) including providing and removing scaffolding,  lime  rendering  curing  etc , complete. Sft 35.00
18 Providing  plastering  to  ceiling  with  cement  mortar  (1:3) with  necessary  scaffolding  and  curing , complete . Sft 40.00
19 Providing  and  fixing  doors  with Sal wood  frames & Skin doors fixed  in  the  masonry  with  flat  iron  hold  fasts  embedded  in  cement  concrete  (1:3:6:)  with  fully  paneled    shutters  including  fixing  the  fittings. etc, complete.(Skin Doors) Sft 400.00
20  Providing  and  fixing  windows & Ventilators of sal & Honne wood  frames fixed  in  the  masonry  with  iron  hold  fasts  embedded  in  cement  concrete  (1:3:6)  with  fully  paneled Honne wood  shutters  as  per  design  and  drawing  including  fixing  the  fittings . etc , complete. Sft 800.00
21 Providing  and  fixing  Main door with Teak wood, including fixing & fittings etc, complete.
Sft 1500.00
22 Providing  flooring  with Vertified tiles, including finishing etc, complete.(Basic price =80/-) Sft 130.00
23 Skirting(Vetrified tiles): Rft 70.00
24 Providing & laying Antiskid flooring for Toilet.) Sft 80.00
25 Glazed tiles Dadooding for toilet & kitchen  walls in cement mortar in clading, oxalic acid wash, finishing etc, complete.(basic rate Rs. 70/- per Sft) Sft 120.00
26  Providing emulsion painting  to  internal  walls   over  the  primer  coat  of  approved   make  and  colour  and  finishing  as  per  specification  and  directions. Sft 14.00
27  Providing Distemper painting  to  ceiling  over  the  primer  coat  of  approved   make  and  colour  and  finishing  as  per  specification  and  directions. Sft 10.00
28  Providing Asian Apex Matte painting  for External walls  over  the  primer  coat  of  approved   make  and  colour  and  finishing  as  per  specification  and  directions. Sft 12.00
29 Providing  and  laying  weather  proof  course  to  the  required  slope  as  per  detailed  specification  and  directions  etc., complete. Sft 30.00
30 Providing  parapet  wall  of  4 ½” thick  and  2’ 6” high with  approved  quality  of  modular  bricks  including  plastering  in  cement  mortar  (1:6).etc , complete. Rft 300.00
31 Providing and fixing  of M.S. grill for windows and fixing of all fittings, finishing etc., complete, as per design & specification. Sft 120.00
32 Providing Enamel painting for Grills/ Staircase Railing & Balcony Railing etc, complete. Sft 12.00
33 Providing & construction of Sump tank with burnt brick maonry walls & providing & laying of RCC Roof slab including plastering etc.,complete along with sump cover. Rs. 3/- Ltrs.
34 Providing & construction of 4 1/2″ Compound wall upto a height of 4’6″ including foundation, plastering, painting etc, complete. Rft 750.00
35 Providing & fixing of M.S.Gate as per design & specification, etc., complete. Sft 200.00
36 Providing & fixing of M.S.Railing as per design & specification for balcony railings. Sft 150.00
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