How to write a Laboratory Report and Testing

How to write a laboratory report
The following arrangement of the report is suggested:
Title This should indicate the nature of the test and the specifications number used.
Scope of the test : A brief statement of the purpose and significance of the test should be indicated.
Materials : The materials used or tested should be described.
Apparatus and method of testing: Special equipment used should be briefly described. The testing procedure should be also described.
Data and results of the test: All laboratory data shall be submitted in tabular form. Observations relating to the behavior of the materials should be included. All equations or formulas used should be clearly indicated. Calculations should be properly checked. The results of the test should be summarized in tabular or graphical form.
Discussion There should be included a brief discussion in which attention is drawn to the silent facts shown by the tables and diagrams.
The test results should be compared with the standard values and conclusion should be drawn.
Test for Aggregate
- Moisture Content of Concrete Aggregate
- Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate
- Specific Gravity and Absorption of fine Aggregate
- Resistance to Degradation of Small-size coarse Aggregate by Abrasion in the Los Angeles Machine.”
- SHAPE TEST (Flakiness Index)
- SHAPE TEST (Elongation Index)
- SHAPE TEST ( Angularity Number)
- Unit Weight and Voids in Aggregate in its compacted or loose condition
- Sieve Analysis of fine and coarse aggregates
- Materials Finer than 75μm (No. 200) Sieve in Mineral Aggregate by Washing