Light Weight Concrete Block in Building Construction

Light Weight Concrete Block in Building Construction
Light weight concrete is a concrete made by using light weight aggregates like foamed slag, bloated clay, sintered fly ash, rice husk, etc. It is also achieved by introducing larger voids using aluminum powder or by omitting the fine aggregate from the concrete mix. Light Weight Concrete Block are light weight compared to ordinary concrete blocks. Easily to carried to one place to another place less time consumption and also reduce the density of concrete.Made up of light weight material and good mechanical strength and low thermal conductivity ease to working it contain large number of small bubbles to be less weight of the concrete blocks. Light Weight Concrete Block used in structural member with relevant strength compared to normal concrete.Foam concrete also know as light weight concrete.And also light weight concrete also more effective cost compared to normal concrete. Structural lightweight concrete has an in-place density (unit weight) on the order of 90 to 115 lb/ ft3 (1440 to 1840 kg/m3) compared to normalweight concrete with a density in the range of 140 to 150 lb/ ft3 (2240 to 2400 kg/m3).
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The following some advantages of light weight concrete given list out below:
Advantages of Light Weight Concrete Block
- Light weight concrete reduces the dead load of the structure.
- It increases the progress of construction of the structure.
- It lowers the haulage and handling charges.
- If walls and floors are made of light weight concrete, the foundations will be lighter resulting in considerable economy in the construction.
- The thermal conductivity of light weight concrete is relatively low, which prevents the heat transfer from roof and walls, resulting lower temperature inside the building.
- In case of buildings where air conditioning is to be installed, the use of LWC has been found advantageous both in thermal comfort and low power consumption.
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