Civil Engineer

Some Civil Engineering Field Questions Answers

Some Civil Engineering Field Questions Answers


What is the FM(Fineness Modulus)?

Answer: FM( Fineness Modulus is an empirical figure obtained by summing up the cumulative percentage of materials retained on each of the sieve excluding 0.075 mm sieve and dividing the sum by 100.


What is the FM value for Sand and Stone?

Answer: For sand the FM value varies from 2.5-4.0 and for stone FM value varies between 6.5 8.0.


What is LAA?

Answer: LAA means Los Angeles Abrasion Test which represents the strength of stone to withstand with the abrasion that occurs during the life cycle of the stone.


If the W/C cement ration is less what will be the strength of concrete?

Answer: If W/C ratio decreases concrete strength will rise up.


What is Compaction?

Answer: Compaction is a process by which the volume of the soil decreases by using any mechanical devices and by pulling out the available air in the soil.


What is Consolidation?

Consolidation is a natural process by which the soil volume reduces and it becomes in compacted form by pulling out the water and decreasing the pore spaces between the particles


Say name of the compaction test methods?

Answer : 1. Standard Proctor Test 2. Modified Proctor Test


How can you measure workability of the concrete on field?

Answer: Workability can be measured by slump test.


What is the normal slump value for concrete?

Answer: Normally slump vale varies between 50 mm-100 mm for normal concrete.


What is the dimensions of Slump Mold?

Answer: Height=12 inch, Top width=4 inch and bottom width= 8 inch


What are the types of slump?

Answer: Slump in concrete are of three types:

True slump

Shear slump

Collapse  slump


What is Dewatering?

Answer: Dewatering means removing the water from any specified construction place so that the construction work can run smoothly.


What is Hydration?

Answer: Hydration is the reaction between cement and water.


What test is done to measure the required compaction on field?

Answer: Compaction test by sand cone replacement method.


Why do we use steel in concrete? why not other metals?


We use steel in concrete as the co-efficient of thermal expansion of concrete and steel is almost same and steel has very good strength to withstand with the tensile loads.


How do designers design the compressed member when there is no use of steel?

Answer: Then it was designed to produce very small to no tensile stress in the section so that the section will be very large.


What is Geo-textile?

Answer: Geo-textile is a permeable synthetic fabric that is produced from plyestar,ploy ethylene to separate the soil or to filter the materials, or to protect the banks from being eroded.


What types soil is sand?

Answer: Sand is cohesionless soil.

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